Ted Cruz, the Texas senator with the Dollar Store version of Wolverine’s facial hair, must have left the part of him…
If only Rep. Jim Jordan, a former assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State, had something to say when wrestlers were…
Regardless of what James Brown said—this is, in fact, a woman’s world.
Yes, we know it’s only Tuesday, and therefore likely a little early to declare a highlight of the week—but also…
There are certain things Black people don’t play with:
There’s plenty that smells suspicious about the recent takeover of the U.S. Capitol building by supporters of…
As the nation waits for congressional lawmakers to reach a resolution on a second stimulus bill—nine months after…
There are books that make you feel great admiration for a woman’s work, books that spark the impetus to tackle an…
Democratic California Rep. Maxine Waters is 81 years old.
The past couple months have been an unprecedented time for the country as we grapple with the wide-ranging effects…
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to pick apart black and brown communities at devastating rates, California…
It’s become in vogue to bash the president.
On this fifth day of Kwanzaa, we celebrate Nia, which means purpose, and also surges in popularity as a name every…
I’ve known about the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Annual Legislative Conference for years, but I have…
President Donald Trump has been trying to keep America out of his financials. But like a good wife who knows that…
Ben Carson’s stint as secretary of Housing and Urban Development has been marred by questionable conduct, his piss…
How do we know with certainty that the president of the United States is not a high paid sex worker who exclusively…
I’d be lying if I said I saw this coming, but now Auntie Maxine herself says not to hold your breath waiting for an…
From hip-hop to the House of Representatives, the NAACP is recognizing two leaders in both music and politics with…