Citing the war on drugs’ disproportionate impact on people of color, judges in Seattle have agreed to vacate the…
Apparently confused by someone who said they wanted to get to know the “Most High,” two Georgia women who were…
15 Things, Other Than Weed, That Might Make Me Care About What Cops Found in Botham Jean's Apartment
After a burglar broke into Botham Jean’s Dallas apartment and reportedly killed him (I know, I know, but I have to…
In a search affidavit that we apparently know all the contents of, we now know that the police apparently found some…
If marijuana were legalized in New York, the state could potentially gain an additional $248 million to $678 million…
In a big, fat eff you to Jefferson Beauregard “I hate weed (and immigrants)” Sessions, the head of the District…
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Tuesday that the New York City Police Department will ticket marijuana…
Editor’s note: This story was previously published on EstroHaze, a multimedia company highlighting the business and…
Editor’s note: This story was previously published on EstroHaze, a multimedia company highlighting the business and…
File this under “Yeah, We Knew That Already, but Thanks for the Confirmation”: An analysis of police data shows that…
Editor’s note: This story was previously published on EstroHaze, a multimedia company highlighting the business and…
Donald Trump hates Jeff Sessions with a passion. Sessions thought he was going to be a Trump guy, coming out all…
Just in case alcohol isn’t really your thing but you’re still looking for a way to enjoy the royal wedding (and you…
File this under “Stories I never thought I’d be writing in my journalism career.”
Calvin Broadus, aka Snoop Dogg, has became a major player in the ancillary cannabis industry after co-founding Casa…
A short video is making the rounds on the internet of Odell Beckham Jr. checking every box on the “How I Imagine…
They’re calling them amnesty boxes, but these new green receptacles are essentially a treasure trove of discarded…
As marijuana becomes legal around the country, more-potent varieties are becoming available. You may think you have…
Girl Scout cookies are arguably one of the best foods that one can get a hand on when those munchies hit, and one…