Nationwide, America’s gradual reopening has seen the country getting back to what it does best: violence. Atlanta is…
Remember that time that “palace aides” went on the offensive against Meghan Markle, alleging that the Duchess of…
The subject of reparations is a prickly one because acknowledging America’s horrific past is something white America…
On Sunday, The Root reported that the GOPropagandist-controlled Texas Senate approved what is very clearly a voter…
Bill Traylor’s extraordinary life story is American history. The self-taught artist began his unique drawings in…
By any measure, John W. Rogers is a success story.
With more and more NBA players using their platforms and resources to inspire change and fight for social justice,…
At this point, Republicans are Haley Joel Osment curled up underneath his covers whispering to Bruce Willis, “I see C…
When a leftist goes to sleep, are they not “woke”? If an antifa retires, do they become profa? How many thugs make…
The more things seem to change, the more they stay the same. Walter Dean Myers first published Monster in 1999; over…
Florida Republicans are up to their anti-voter rights bullshit again and they aren’t pretending to hide their…
If a single boat shoe, a lemon rind and Rand Paul were on a sinking boat and you could only save one thing, tell me…
I’m just going to go ahead and confess something right now: I really enjoy watching angry white people lose their…
I used to argue that the Dakotas didn’t actually exist because I’d never met anyone from North or South Dakota, and…
On May 25, 2020, George Perry Floyd, was alive.
Of all the toxic traits that white supremacy offers, perhaps its most oxymoronic byproduct is the supreme confidence…
Ryan Coogler is starting production for Black Panther 2, and he’s decided to film in Georgia again, following the…
Republicans in Arkansas are following the lead of their pals in Georgia, Texas, Michigan and other GOP-controlled…
A few years ago, while covering a story on Republican New Hampshire legislator Werner Horn, I summoned the best and…
This edition of the Mailbag is dedicated to all of the people out there fighting racism.