Sen. Tim Scott was once a proponent of police accountability. But after he obstructed police reform legislation,…
In an attempt to stop the Titanic-sized leaks coming from inside the White House, the Trump administration, enabled…
Less than a day after Derek Chauvin was convicted of murdering George Floyd, the U.S. Department of Justice…
In case we needed any more evidence that the Trump administration is working overtime to protect police officers in…
I know that I consistently refer to white men who make racists comments as racists but I’m starting to rethink that.
President Trump began to hate former Attorney General Jeff Sessions right around the time he recused himself from…
President Trump and Jeff Sessions were once a White House version of famed New England Patriots duo Bill Belichick…
It is with the utmost disrespect that my heart can muster that I say this: Jeff Sessions has the tenacity of the…
We are entering really dangerous territory as Justice Department ethics officials have consulted with Acting…
Hopefully the Klan still has King Keebler’s hood because as of Wednesday, barely a full day after the…
Because President Trump is a spoiled man-child, he hates when things don’t go his way. Upon taking his seat inside…
As Donald Trump and his abused Keebler elf in the Justice Department, Jeff Sessions, work double time to pander to…
Like most couples, Attorney General Jeff Sessions changed once he and President Donald Trump got together. Sessions…
President Trump is the worst kind of liar. He’s reckless with a bad memory who doesn’t even try to recall whether…
President Trump has proven himself to be a man that desperately wants to control the narrative about his life. He’s…
This week’s version of The Real Husbands of the White House aired a very special episode when the public break up…
The love affair between Attorney General Jeff “Kindergarten King Keebler” Sessions and President Vladimir TrumPutin…
I’m sitting here grossing myself out and trying to figure out if I have ever seen a picture that shows a close-up…
On Monday, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the biggest elf to ever do it, just created a “religious liberty…
Every story surrounding Attorney General Jeff “King Keebler” Sessions is an attempt to move the country further away…