A southern-Indiana mom is trying to get herself out of a lease after waking up to hateful messages written all…
Huntington Beach, Calif., police are investigating a possible hate crime after a black family was allegedly targeted…
Attorneys for Dylann Roof, accused of shooting nine parishioners at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in…
Police are calling the actions of two Missouri men who allegedly threw eggs and hurled racial slurs at African…
While on his rampage, Orlando, Fla., nightclub shooter Omar Mateen told 911 dispatchers that he was an "Islamic…
Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced Sunday that limited transcripts from three phone calls authorities had with…
As he killed dozens of innocent victims, Orlando, Fla., nightclub shooter Omar Mateen began texting his wife, asking…
One of the shooting victims captured the horrific moment that gunfire rang through the loud music at Pulse nightclub…
Dylann Roof, accused of fatally shooting nine black parishioners in a racially motivated attack at Emanuel African…
The federal trial for accused Charleston, S.C., church shooter Dylann Roof has finally been set in motion, with jury…
New York City police say they have no solid evidence to support the claim that a black teen was being chased by a…
An Illinois family is facing multiple charges after, police say, they beat up a black teenager while shouting racial…
On Thursday, Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards officially signed into law the “Blue Lives Matter” bill, making the…
Two Toledo, Ohio, men have been arrested after allegedly beating up a man because of his race, Cleveland.com reports.
Louisiana is set to approve a bill that would consider any attack of violence against police officers, firefighters…
Lookin' down on my soul now
The privilege of being allowed to exist on Earth — and the experiences, the enlightenments, and the beauties…