It must be terribly inconvenient for Republicans trying to convince America that their party isn’t racist, that…
I’ve been saying for some time now that Trump supporters are the white equivalents of hoteps. If the wealth of…
Despite there being no evidence of widespread voter fraud, Georgia Republicans are vowing to craft legislation that…
Georgia Republicans can’t help but be Georgia Republicans, and in what is totally not voter suppression, the third…
If America were truly colorblind, could it see whiteness?
President Trump is still attempting to claim victory in an election that he has indisputably lost, this time by…
A Republican Florida attorney is under investigation for allegedly registering to vote in Georgia while being a…
Sen. Kelly Loeffler’s (R-Ga.) incessant attacks on her Senate opponent, Rev. Raphael Warnock, can all be condensed…
You know, instead of dunking on white mess, why don’t we feel good and focus on some Black positivity instead? For…
The WNBA has been the standard-bearer for athlete activism in recent years, and the role they played in this year’s…
You know, you would think betraying your country and getting bodied for it hundreds of years ago would be enough to…
Man, Black folks have really kept their foot on history’s neck, and I love to see it. In the latest bit of history…
Another day, another instance of the legal system plainly disregarding the rights of transgender people. A trans…
If reports are true, Trump’s favorite stepping stool may be in big trouble.
Well, get ready for yet another temper tantrum from y’all’s bitch-ass president, as it’s been projected that…
Just as Rev. Ralph Warnock predicted last week, Sen. Kelly Loeffler unleashed a torrent of attacks on the Georgia…
The fate of the Senate is in the hands of Georgia voters, and state Republicans were hoping to bust out their…
Prior to the presidential election, NBA players were extremely vocal in stressing the importance of American…
There are many who will scramble to take credit—or to diminish—the surge of Democratic votes that flipped Wisconsin…