The legendary civil rights icon has an inspirational and powerful story.
Martin was killed by George Zimmerman after being racially profiled by him in 2012.
Mississippi 11-year-old Aderrien Murry is the latest to have a nearly fatal encounter with police after being…
Gov. Ron DeSantis wants to 'Stop Woke' but his antics are holding up his state's convention business instead.
"Black Twitter: The Twitterverse That Changed a Generation" explains the importance of its impact.
Suddenly the tables turn when a Black man shoots at someone in self-defense.
After police saw video footage of the disgusting attack, they arrested the man
And he wants to use the proceeds to sue reporters and celebs.
The two white men who targeted the boy were arrested on felony charges.
The Kenosha vigilante claims he's going to a school that says he's definitely not
In an emotional interview with The Guardian, Cullors shared why she joined BLM and what led to her departure.
Here's how not to get sued for defamation by a killer
How dare we tell children anything close to the truth about race in America? That’s the takeaway after a Florida…
When a leftist goes to sleep, are they not “woke”? If an antifa retires, do they become profa? How many thugs make…
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a very undemocratic bill into law Monday that strengthens the power of law…
The death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin at the hands of neighborhood vigilante George Zimmerman was the first…
Without the proper context, it is impossible to understand the mushroom cloud of uprisings that are exploding across…
Satan reportedly only had two children—one of whom has ascended to the highest office in the land and the other who…
Today is Trayvon Martin’s 25th birthday.