Less than two weeks after a new, bulletproof Emmett Till memorial plaque went up on the banks of the Tallahatchie…
For more than 50 years, there was no marker at all to commemorate the lynching of Emmett Till, the 14-year-old…
Six decades after a white woman’s murderous lie incited the white supremacist lynching that pushed the civil rights…
In what serves as the latest example of #ExistingWhileBlack, I present 20-year-old Devin Meyers, who was stopped by…
A long-delayed TV series focusing on Mamie Till-Mobley, the mother of Emmett Till, will finally see daylight, thanks…
On what would’ve been the 78th birthday of Emmett Till came some disturbing news: three University of Mississippi…
The Mississippi home of civil rights leaders Medgar and Myrlie Evers became a national monument Tuesday, as part of…
If there was ever an inverse example of a Confederate monument, it might be the Lorraine, the Memphis motel where…
If you drive along Mississippi’s Tallahatchie river, you might encounter a purple sign at Graball Landing. The…
Here’s the thing about justice: it’s rare that people of color ever get to see it in action because it usually…
Updated, Saturday, July 14, 2018, 12:23 p.m. EST: The author of the explosive Emmett Till biography that revealed…
Just hours after Bill Cosby was found guilty of three counts of aggravated indecent assault, his publicists were…
Simeon Booker, who for 50 years was Washington bureau chief for Jet and Ebony magazines and at age 99 the dean of…
Simeon Booker, the trailblazing black journalist known for detailing African-American life in Ebony and Jet…
It’s one of the oldest tricks in The Big Book of Racism: When in doubt, blame a black guy.
Simeon Wright, the cousin of Emmett Till who witnessed Emmett’s kidnapping and was the last to see Emmett alive,…
Emmett Till would have turned 76 today, July 25, had a white woman not lied on him.
A group of high school students on a social justice jaunt across the country helped to restore dignity to a defaced…
A historical marker created in Mississippi to memorialize and educate the public about the 1955 kidnapping and…