Over the last four years, the current president has displayed what seems to be a severe allergy to the truth. If…
Another day, another Trump Twitter rant aimed at trying to pump himself up and make his record look better than it…
Another day, another installment in the ongoing saga that is “y’alls President is a lying ass liar.” Our subject for…
Have you ever known a person who just lies for no reason? Like, they stay making stuff up all the time just for the…
Before you roll your eyes at the above headline, let’s get a few facts out of the way:
One of the consequences of electing a deceitful, dimwitted white supremacist to serve at the helm of a deceitful,…
Donald Trump is a corrupt force that corrupts everything and everyone around him.
We keep talking about the dangerous rhetoric that is being thrown around by Donald Trump, those in his…
Before President Donald Trump was a phony real estate mogul or a serial adulterer, he was a liar. Rumor has it that…
Why anyone would believe anything Donald Trump says is beyond me. I mean, it has been proved that the president has…
In what was apparently an impromptu interview with the New York Times on Thursday, the president of the United…
Years ago, when dinosaurs roamed free and I was in high school, there was a girl that lied so much, my friends and I…
On Thursday, Time magazine released an interview with President Vladimir TrumPutin, and even as the walls are…
On March 4, when the president of these United States hopped on Twitter and tweeted a series of tweets claiming that…
It isn’t funny. Thousands of fictional people lost their lives! Fictional families are still in mourning trying to…
You have likely seen the phrase “alternative facts” circling around the internet and news stories since President…