I’d be lying if I said I saw this coming, but now Auntie Maxine herself says not to hold your breath waiting for an…
President Donald Trump really believes that if he’s impeached chaos would ensue. He honestly believes that his tiki…
Although they don’t believe their efforts stand much of a chance, with Republicans controlling both the House and…
Like 98 percent of black people, I am not a Donald Trump fan and wish he had never been elected. I think we should…
For months the nation has held its collective breath waiting for something, anything, that the president does to be…

Deep in the heart of Texas, it can still be sketchy for black folks. Ask Sandra Bland. Or James Byrd Jr. Or the…
White House lawyers have begun researching impeachment in the unlikely event that Donald Trump is forced to go…
Since the election of President Donald Trump, black political leaders have seemingly led the charge as public…
On Saturday morning, President Donald Trump woke up, looked at a few right-wing websites, realized that he was going…

Some say it’ll happen sooner than later. Others think President Feral Meatball will stand the test of time—well,…