Congrats are in order for President Donald J. Trump, as he accomplished a truly notable first today. Following a…
The day after Super Bowl LIV is just a reliving of all the things that happened the night before. The winning team…
My parents were going through a divorce when I was 10. They were still trying to learn how to co-parent when my…
I tried to watch it. But the sudden death of Kobe Bryant and his beautiful daughter Gianna mixed with Trump attorney…
On Monday, President Trump’s loose group of arthritic knees and questionable morals banded together to expand on…
So I know you didn’t watch Day 3 of the Trump Impeachment trial so allow me to recap all the bits you missed.
Have you ever been to a rave? I have and it’s exactly what you’d expect: loud music, lots of footwork, glow sticks…
The Senate impeachment trial of Russian Vice President Donald J. Trump began around 1 p.m. Tuesday, and here’s…
On this fifth day of Kwanzaa, we celebrate Nia, which means purpose, and also surges in popularity as a name every…
The morning after Christmas is typically a nice one for me. I spent mine playing some of the games I copped on Xbox…
President Trump’s biggest flaw could be described by my favorite character on the best television show in American…
I will admit that my job requires me to watch all of the congressional hearings and all of the pundits rattling off…
You do not know anyone as stupid as Donald Trump.
After saying there wasn’t a quid pro quo—and then maybe there was—U.S. Ambassador to Not Ukraine finally remembered…
With round two of the public impeachment hearings set to begin this week, President Trump said in a Monday morning…
If you thought your Wednesday was rough, at least it wasn’t as bad as Donald Trump’s.
The House of Representatives began impeachment hearings for President Donald J. Trump on Wednesday. While everyone…
The rumors are true: In the near future, Donald Trump could very well be impeached.
After years of torment and global embarrassment, we finally live in a world in which our resident Idiot-in-Chief may…