How much did nationwide school closures impact students’ academic progress this past spring? A new study hints at…
The president has done a lot of stupid shit since taking office.
Who doesn’t love a little light pettiness?
In the crush of a year that began with “Megxit” (which now feels a million years ago) and has since devastated us in…
Coronavirus has been making its way through the mess of people in Donald Trump’s orbit, infecting a host of White…
There are really only two kinds of people in this world: Those of us who wear masks, practice social distancing and…
Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves (R) seems dead set on doing everything but addressing the pandemic currently ravaging…
The NCAA is, in my humble opinion, the most fucked up organization in American sports. For some reason (capitalism,…
Even after being hospitalized for COVID-19, President Donald Trump and his senior staff didn’t appear to take…
The future of the Affordable Care Act lies once again in the hands of the Supreme Court—this time, during a global…
Viola Thee Davis Talks Black Lives Matter, Coping Through the Pandemic and More for InStyle Magazine
It’s not often I get my wig snatched midday on a Monday, but when I do—it’s because of Viola Davis. The How To Get…
Truthfully, Carson could’ve tested positive days ago and told everyone inside the White House, but no one listens to…
Mark Meadows, Chief of Staff in the Trump White House and the man who said just two weeks ago that the…
Considering all we know about COVID-19, it’s incredibly obvious that the conditions in American prisons aren’t…
From the very beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci and President Trump have butted heads.
Now more than ever, some dudes need to be reminded that shutting the hell up is not only free but a wonderful…
The last four years have given us disaster after disaster: unprecedented natural calamity, worsening racial…
It’s already a well-documented fact that the outbreak of the novel coronavirus has disproportionately affected Black…
Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, the United States Congress has given only one stimulus check to help Americans…