Some people are having a terrible time trying to live their normal life with this pesky COVID-19 getting in the way.…
For some inexplicable reason, white people have responded to the pandemic by going full-racist. Between the…
While many of us tuned into the Senate hearing to watch Dr. Anthony Fauci go full Denzel at the end of Training Day…
Dr. Fauci keeps trying to warn us, but nobody wants to listen.
Trump Throws Racist Jab at Reporter, Then Throws a Temper Tantrum and Storms Out of Press Conference
The president wants to be celebrated for victories only he can see. To hear him tell it, the United States has…
The American prison system is, in a word, trash. prisoners are often faced with inhumane conditions and treatment,…
The past couple months have been an unprecedented time for the country as we grapple with the wide-ranging effects…
Given the new reality of our world with COVID-19’s takeover, many of our regular meetups with friends, family and…
In the horror movie that has become the Trump administration, the president and Vice President Mike Pence are the…
Former President Barack Obama derided the Trump administration’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis in a recent phone…
The mass closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in millions of Americans losing their jobs. This has put…
May 6 through May 12 is Nurses Week 2020, and if you weren’t in the habit of appreciating our vital healthcare…
Kamala Harris may very well be the next vice president of America and she’s starting her silent bid to win the…
For many of us, 2020 has been a year we’d prefer to fast forward through. From losing Kobe and Gianna Bryant in late…
The “clip of a person killed while doing a thing while black” phenomenon is such a part of our national zeitgeist…
Axl Rose, lead singer for Guns N’ Roses is tired of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s bullshit.
Either President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are the outbreak monkeys destined to infect the entire White…
When it comes to the devastation caused by COVID-19, many celebrities are doing more than offering verbal support. T.…
American Ballet Theatre (ABT) Principal Dancer Misty Copeland is creating a special dance performance aimed at…