At the end of the 2015-2016 football season, Cam Newton could have run uncontested for president of the African…
LeBron James fully supports Colin Kaepernick's kneeling protest against the over-policing of black and minority…
Colin Kapernick's movement to protest police violence against unarmed men, women and children is spreading. Below is…
Ray Lewis is hating on Colin Kaepernick again. First he noted that the San Francisco 49ers quarterback needed to take…
Marshawn Lynch is a man of few words, but when he does say something, it's usually powerful.
Author’s note: In the time I responded to weekend criticism of high school players taking a knee, a disabled black…
Editor’s note: This article contains social media posts that some may find offensive.
Shortly after the arrest of Ahmad Khan Rahami, the 28-year-old man wanted in Saturday night's explosion in New York…
An entire Seattle high school football team knelt during the national anthem before their Friday-night football game.
The entire Seattle Seahawks team is a bunch of bitches.
After deciding as a team to take a knee before a football game Sept. 11, a youth football team in Beaumont, Texas,…
Members of a youth football team in Texas have received death threats after players took a knee before a game as a…
A California high school student said that her teacher lowered her grade for participation after she refused to…
A Missouri state senator refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Wednesday, remaining seated in the chamber to…
New England Patriots defensive end Chris Long was a guest on ESPN Radio's Russillo & Kanell program Tuesday, and…
I know that the often controversial Skip Bayless generally doesn't have enough decent, compassionate, thoughtful…
I did not choose to be a Washington Redskins fan. It was embedded in my DNA like my wide nose and kinky hair. It was…
San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick's movement to take a stand against the over-policing of black…