Baltimore Ravens owner Steve Bisciotti said Sunday that the team is still weighing its options at quarterback; he…
Former pro quarterback Michael Vick may have a nice, respectable fade and may even have paid his debt to society,…
- Reporter Alleges More Exploitation of Black Women
Updated Tuesday, July 18, 2017, 1 p.m. EDT: Colin Kaepernick appears to have responded to Michael Vick’s words with…
The bulging, over-full colostomy bag who somehow maintains his rotund, deflated kickball-shaped figure despite…
Colin Kaepernick went from cornrowed, flashy-footed quarterback to full-on Afroed protester in one season. One…
The NFL has a race problem. This certainly sounds ludicrous on its face. How can an organization with so many…
Looks like somebody appreciates Colin Kaepernick. Eminent sociologist, author and activist Harry Edwards, who helped…
Seattle Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett took to Twitter on Friday to respond to criticism from the…
Colin Kaepernick’s football career may be in limbo, but that isn’t stopping him from continuing his community…
Whites who believe negative stereotypes about blacks are more likely than most to oppose athletes kneeling during…
Jim Harbaugh, the former San Francisco 49ers head coach, is coming out in full defense of his former quarterback…
Joining a widening chorus of those who have an opinion on the subject (President Donald Trump included), outspoken…
On March 7 the National Football League began its free agency period—the time when teams can offer a contract to any…
I don’t agree with everything Spike Lee says, but when he posted on Instagram that he found it “fishy” that NFL…
Even without a team, Colin Kaepernick continues to put these athletes to shame with his good deeds.
Can you hear it? It’s the sound of soldiers cheering because they no longer feel disrespected. It’s the ghosts of…
If you, too, are going through withdrawal during “Cold Turkey Week”—the seven-day period when there is no NBA, NFL…
San Francisco backup quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who has stood for the sanctity of black lives by kneeling during…