Shortly before the NFL held a sham one-man slave auction combine for Colin Kaepernick, the league presented the embat…
While thinking about the nebulous “workout” the NFL recently offered to Colin Kaepernick, I’m reminded of...He’s…
If you follow The Root on a regular basis, you know white women warrant a surprising amount of our coverage. This is…
When the news hit that Colin Kaepernick landed an unprecedented private workout opportunity with the NFL, naturally,…
After nearly three years of being whiteballed by the NFL, quarterback, activist and majestic 3C-Afro rocker Colin…
While most of us spent our Sunday basking in the triumphant return of the Popeye’s chicken sandwich, others—like…
Not sure if he was trying to have a big social media moment — with an attention grabby stunt —or not, but Saul…
Seeking to dismantle rumors, innuendo and misconceptions surrounding the status of embattled quarterback Colin…
Back in 2017, I decided to give up watching NFL games for various reasons. Chief among them was that I didn’t like…
This is it—the last preview before we reveal the full list and who is No. 1 for the 10th anniversary of The Root 100!
Decades before Colin Kaepernick was taking a knee on the football gridiron to protest racial injustice, Olympic…
Nike took a major gamble aligning its brand with exiled quarterback Colin Kapernick—and on Sunday, their risk…
It was revealed late this morning that sentient house arrest anklet stuffed into an empty Iron City bottle Ben…
Three years after Colin Kaepernick first took a knee on the sidelines of a game, Miami Dolphins receiver Albert…
It’s well-known that Colin Kaepernick started his protest on the gridiron to bring attention to the police brutality…
Of the myriad possible metaphors for the Popeyes Chicken Sandwich craze of 2019—which is a thing I will tell my kids…
After a controversial announcement that he was making a deal with the devil the oft-criticized NFL, word on the…
With at least half of his 30 pieces of silver, Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter will soon acquire a “significant ownership…
It begins the same way each time.