Two Chicago bars near Soldier Field, the home of the Chicago Bears, will not show NFL games as a show of solidarity…
On Monday night, I walked into FirstEnergy Stadium having absolutely no clue what was going to happen during the…
This should be an interesting football season—and year, for that matter—since many American institutions are messily…
When news broke that the Baltimore Ravens were considering bringing in quarterback and black activist Colin…
So those on the right have this thing where they say completely triggering comments that would have a triggering…
The good news is that Baltimore’s unemployment rate is a breathtakingly low 6.1 percent in August of 2017; the bad…
Updated Tuesday, July 18, 2017, 1 p.m. EDT: Colin Kaepernick appears to have responded to Michael Vick’s words with…
Colin Kaepernick went from cornrowed, flashy-footed quarterback to full-on Afroed protester in one season. One…
The NFL has a race problem. This certainly sounds ludicrous on its face. How can an organization with so many…
Looks like somebody appreciates Colin Kaepernick. Eminent sociologist, author and activist Harry Edwards, who helped…
Jim Harbaugh, the former San Francisco 49ers head coach, is coming out in full defense of his former quarterback…
Joining a widening chorus of those who have an opinion on the subject (President Donald Trump included), outspoken…