“Sucker Emails”
A song by Michael Harriot
Many of the emails, comments, tweets and direct messages that make it into the weekly Clapback Mailbag are from…
As we continue our stroll down memory lane listing the greatest moments in the history of the Clapback Mailbag, I…
For the next few weeks, we will select our favorite responses from the nearly 400 emails, tweets, DMs and comments…
Every Friday, The Root takes the best (or worst) emails, comments, tweets and messages from our readers and features…
When professor Henry Louis Gates founded The Root 11 years ago, he probably had no idea that its creation would one…
Since yesterday was America’s birthday, let’s begin the Clapback Mailbag with a patriotic song:
Remember the Clapback day, to keep it holy. Five days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: But the Friday is the…
People are worried about me.
Editor’s Note: Senior Writer Michael Harriot is on vacation, so this week’s Clapback Mailbag was prepared in…
Fourscore and 12 Fridays ago, our writers brought forth, upon this website, a new weekly feature—The Clapback…
It’s the Friday before a major holiday, and the regular writer of the Clapback Mailbag, Michael Harriot, has decided…
I love the Clapback Mailbag.
The biggest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing white people they weren’t racist.
Two years ago, The Root began a community service project intended to uplift the voices of some of our most loyal…
People who read the Clapback Mailbag often ask how I can stomach wading through the morass of emails, tweets,…
On Fridays, instead of getting our orders from our white slavemasters at the Illuminati regional headquarters, The…