It seems as if Texas A&M University has found a loophole around First Amendment issues, with officials announcing…
The images that flashed before our eyes on television and social media from this weekend’s racist rallies and…
Wow. I guess a hit dog will holler. When I wrote this on Sunday regarding the gaggle of white people online who…
It’s too little a little too late, but y’all’s president finally managed to take some time from golfing and tweeting…
Black people have always used humor as a way to cope with terror and trauma; I have no issue with us doing the same…
A Charlottesville, Va., judge has denied bail to James Alex Fields Jr., the alleged terrorist who is accused of…
The Springfield, Mass., Police Department has launched an investigation into an officer who wrote “Hahahaha love…
The president of Washington State University’s chapter of the College Republicans is crying foul after he was…
In case you were wondering about the beliefs of James Alex Fields Jr., the alleged terrorist who is accused of…
It seems as if white supremacists haven’t done enough damage or wreaked enough havoc after the violent white…
Tiki Brand is probably used to being associated with pleasant things like barbecues (or cookouts) on a hot summer…
I guess organizing a gathering of hateful bigots where a person was murdered is a ... bad thing? Huh? Who knew!
Updated Sunday, Aug. 13, 2017, 7:12 p.m. EDT: It looks as though the internet has identified one of the assailants…
The lone victim killed during a peaceful counterprotest against white supremacist hate during the Charlottesville,…
I love when a hot-ass song by sexy-voiced Future is also a cry to rip the sheets off racists.
If you’re tempted to point out that you’re one of the good ones right now ... please don’t.
An unidentified group of white supremacists in Charlottesville, Va., attacked and beat a black man with poles in a…
On Saturday afternoon, a car plowed through a crowd of anti-racism protesters, killing one and injuring several…