The sports world took a historic and deeply significant timeout on Wednesday in support of Black lives and in…
Despite a week of violent threats from police and armed militias, the residents of Kenosha, Wisc., turned out for a…
Art often imitates life and social justice is a huge part of our lives right fact, at this very moment.…
The Republican National Convention dragged on into day three and pulled America into an alternate universe in which…
When people my age think of the Black Lives Matter uprising, many picture young people taking to the streets and…
There are certain figures that, for one reason or another, get seared in your brain.
Since the NBA resumed play in July, we’ve seen protests, demonstrations and players have been extremely vocal about…
Angela Davis has been fighting the good fight for more than 50 years, working as a social justice activist and…
I’ve argued countless times that the idea that Black people are loyal to the Democratic party is a fallacy. First of…
Jacob Blake isn’t supposed to be alive.
A global pandemic. Police violence. Protests. An economic crisis. Our democracy at risk—and with it, many of the…
Danielle Fuentes Morgan had been looking forward to the reunion with her brother for months.
The shooting of 29-year-old Jacob Blake at the hands of police in Kenosha, Wis., on Sunday has sparked national…
As 29-year-old Jacob Blake lay in an intensive-care unit Monday night, protesters took to the streets around the…
Tarana Burke knows better than most the power of a hashtag. After all, hers—#MeToo—turned into a zeitgeist moment…
Parents are in their feelings—actually, wait, that’s not accurate. White parents are in their feelings after a…
Billboard advertising company Lamar has come under fire after rejecting two billboards designed by Jay-Z’s Team ROC…
Hot 97 Employee Pasquale 'Paddy Duke' Raucci Fired for Involvment in Shooting Death of Yusuf Hawkins
Pasquale “Paddy Duke” Raucci, the commercial programming director for New York hip-hop radio station Hot 97, has…
Civil unrest continued in Portland on Saturday as a “Back the Blue” rally turned into a violent clash between white…
If the calls for justice on behalf of any Black victim of police violence should be considered a no-brainer, we…