These Black celebs received more boos than applause from the Black community this year.
Ex-officer Sung Kim faces involuntary manslaughter after shooting Atchison while he hid in a closet.
The ex-cop was found guilty in Jefferson’s murder and faces 20 years in prison.
Pharell’s cousin, Donovan Lynch, was fatally shot by a police officer in 2021.
The Michigan man pleaded guilty to threatening Starbucks workers for wearing Black Lives Matter t-shirts.
His termination was the cherry on top to an ongoing complaint of discrimination.
The two Black activists who own the rights to the phrase said Ye could buy it for $1 billion.
The officers said they have largely been passed over for leadership positions.
If the Republicans regain Senate control, the Florida senator wants to put the George Floyd summer protests under a…
Akron Police Chief Steve Mylett says that staff shortages is the reason for the move.
Additions include a plunge pool, a sauna and a play area for her son.
Her charges were dropped by the county judge who said her recording/shouting did not interrupt the officers from…
In a statement to Rolling Stone, Wanda Cooper-James believes West's latest antics help "legitimize extremist…
During an interview with the Breakfast Club, the hip-hop veteran addressed his critics.
The far-right personality took to her Daily Wire podcast to disparage the performer, and it's incredibly pathetic.
The sign is allegedly in violation of the community policy.
Their attorneys say this is a result of “political pressure.”
Despite no requests to use the same space, the council voted with seemingly no explanation.
The controversial activist's org raised more than $6 million in 2020
In The Sum of Us, Heather McGhee shines a light on communities working together to make change