Dear Caucasian Brethren,
On Monday, Baltimore County police shot and killed 23-year-old mother Korryn Gaines while she was holding her…
There is a new website called Reparations that, as its name implies, allows white people to offer what they can to…
Updated Tuesday, Aug. 2, 10:23 a.m. EDT: On Tuesday morning, BallerAlert posted a tweet, which the site reported…
August will mark the two-year anniversary of the killing of Michael Brown and the uprising of black youths in…
Louisiana's “Blue Lives Matter” bill went into effect Monday, making it a hate crime to intentionally harm a police…
From the beginning, Black Lives Matter supporters have included protesters and activists of all races. In a recent…
In more news of just how sick American racism is and, further, how it permeates every single aspect of American…
There are still several questions that remain in connection with the 2015 death of Sandra Bland while she was in…
In a controversial move, Baltimore City State's Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby dropped charges against Police…
Perhaps, if you're inclined to do so, you could argue that it's Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby's fault…
It was an emotional moment Tuesday night when the "Mothers of the Movement" took the stage at the Democratic…
The number of applications for employment at the Dallas Police Department has almost quadrupled since Police Chief…
On Monday, Michael Jordan decided to break his Clarence Thomas-like silence on race relations in this country to…
An Ohio attorney was sentenced to five days in jail after refusing to remove a Black Lives Matter pin she was…
The WNBA has reversed its decision to fine the teams and players who wore black protest warm-up shirts saying “Alton…
A Massachusetts mayor has refused to remove a Black Lives Matter banner from City Hall at the request of the local…
Youngstown, Ohio, attorney Andrea Burton was removed from court and taken into custody after a judge declared her in…
A former guard at the Waller County jail in Hempstead, Texas, reportedly testified that he falsified jail log…
Black Lives Matter is blasting Donald Trump's acceptance speech as Republican presidential nominee, calling it the…