The mother of 15-year-old Jordan Edwards on Friday filed to formally join the lawsuit against the city of Balch…
Thousands of angry, woke and fired-up Minnesotans took to the streets on Friday, hours after ex-Police Officer…
Updated Friday June 16, 2017, 5:04 p.m. EDT: The Associated Press reports that the city of St. Anthony plans to…
The family of Terence Crutcher is still seeking justice and filed a wrongful death lawsuit Thursday seeking damages…
Lawyers for Black Lives Matter Chicago and other community groups filed a class action lawsuit Wednesday accusing…
During the Wednesday-afternoon session of former Milwaukee Police Officer Dominique Heaggan-Brown’s reckless…
Two men who were with convicted shooter Allen “Lance” Scarsella on Nov. 23, 2015, when he shot five Black Lives…
For more than 4,000 years, the Dalits of India were called “the untouchables,” the lowest of the low. The Dalits are…
The jury trial for Dominique Heaggan-Brown, the now former Milwaukee police officer who shot and killed 23-year-old…
Updated Sunday, June 11, 2017, 1:05 p.m. EDT: A previous version of this story incorrectly identified Humboldt Bay…
The girlfriend of Philando Castile, the black motorist who was killed by a Minnesota police officer during a traffic…
Two high school students in Vacaville, Calif., along with some help from the American Civil Liberties Union, won…
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, author of From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation, assistant professor of…
In what may be the greatest protest ever, two Philadelphia police precincts received pairs of underwear from a local…
Law-enforcement officials say that a New York City police sergeant was arrested Wednesday in the shooting death of…
The Journal of Political Philosophy has come under fire for its June issue, which dedicates more than 60 pages to a…
Cleveland Police Officer Timothy Loehmann, who fatally shot and killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice, was fired Tuesday,…
The trial of St. Anthony, Minn., Police Officer Jeronimo Yanez, who fatally shot and killed Philando Castile during…
On Thursday, Kalief Browder Way was unveiled. An intersection in New York City’s Bronx borough was renamed in honor…
The weekend after Tulsa, Okla., Police Officer Betty Shelby was found not guilty of manslaughter in the shooting…