The family of 23-year-old Tyler Lumar is still searching for some sort of closure, one year after the young father…
Newly released FBI and Department of Homeland Security documents reveal that federal law-enforcement agencies…
What could be more ironic (or horrible) than an activist against police brutality being brutalized by police? Just…
I’m taking it for granted that anyone who knows anything about the American criminal-justice system could hazard a…
On Oct. 23, 12 Oakland County, Mich., communities spent roughly nine days without water after a major water main…
I stopped watching broadcast news five years ago, after a sex crime was reported in close proximity to where I live.…
A Mississippi high school basketball player says he was suspended from school for not placing his hand over his…
Eddie Curlin, an African-American former student at Eastern Michigan University, was arraigned Monday morning in…
Well, if you wanted evidence as to how little this country values black lives, look no further than Tulsa, Okla.,…
Michigan State Police Director Col. Kriste Kibbey Etue will be losing out on five days’ pay for violating the…
NY Black Lives Matter Group Accuses Police of Spying, Targeting Group for Calling Attention to Abuse
A New York Black Lives Matter group has filed a federal lawsuit, claiming that Clarkstown, N.Y., police illegally…
Editor’s note: This first appeared on VSB on Oct. 21, 2016.
They are trying to turn black people into the bogeyman. They want everyone else in America to see us as a threat so…
In case you ever wondered about the way (some) correctional officers see their inmates, I lead you no further than…
As the NFL protests continue and teams and the association at large continue to argue about how to deal with players…
Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, Rekia Boyd, Walter Scott: These (and dozens more) are the…
I, as much as anyone, am fully aware that freedom of speech and expression is not equal to freedom from…
Black Lives Matter has turned its latest protests to Utah, where 50-year-old Patrick Harmon was shot by a police…
Recently released bodycam footage shows Utah police fatally shooting a man from behind as he attempts to run away…
A federal judge in Louisiana is looking to dismiss a second lawsuit that was filed against Black Lives Matter and…