NBA players are taking a stand for Stephon Clark, the unarmed black man who was shot to death in his own backyard by…
Talk about adding insult to injury. Not only did former University of Cincinnati Police Officer Ray Tensing walk…
When civil rights groups forced the government to release information on how federal law enforcement agencies…
As I am writing this, thousands of school-age children are walking out of classrooms all across the country to…
In our efforts to cover every angle of the movement, we were able to secure an exclusive one-on-one with one of the…
The Columbus, Ohio, police officer caught on tape stomping a subdued, handcuffed suspect’s head into the concrete…
Tonight the Black Lives Matter Global Network took to the Oscars stage. Five years of building up black communities.…
The incident occurred in August of last year, but it was only earlier this week, on Wednesday, that police bodycam…
The Texas chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union is calling for an investigation of Houston’s longest-serving…
In the ongoing search for solutions to police brutality and state violence, black America has proposed some pretty…
Following Wayne LaPierre’s rigorous commitment to arming educators in the wake of yet another school shooting,…
I’ve been processing seemingly contradictory emotions since the Parkland, Fla., school shooting. I am at once in awe…
The nation’s capital is set to pay out $3.5 million to the family of Terrence Sterling, an unarmed black…
In the wake of a major court victory, the mother of Korryn Gaines, Rhanda Dormeus, wants people to know exactly what…
Editor’s note: There are spoilers here.
A New York City Police Department sergeant who shot and killed a mentally ill black woman two years ago was found…
Civil rights activists, podcast host and electric-blue puffy-vest aficionado DeRay Mckesson will release his first…
A Brooklyn, N.Y., federal judge has ruled that police officers were justified in arresting 16-year-old Kimani Gray…
It’s been almost two years since Terrill Thomas died of dehydration while in custody at the Milwaukee County jail,…