Seventeen-year-old Dorian Harris shoplifted a $2 beer from a local corner store and it cost him his life. Now, the…
Today marks five years since Darren Wilson gunned down 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Brown was…
Since Mike Brown was killed by now former police officer Darren Wilson five years ago, the Ferguson Police…
It’s been five years since Mike Brown, an unarmed teen from Ferguson, Mo., was shot and killed by Darren Wilson, a…
In what could only be described as a grievous insult on top of deadly injury, the Baton Rouge police chief…
A woman in Oklahoma repeatedly refused being given a traffic ticket, authorities say, apparently going so far as to…
Ben Carr, the stepfather of Eric Garner—the Staten Island man who was killed after being placed in a banned…
For years, activist and community organizer Patrisse Cullors has poured her passion for the people into cofounding…
Diamond and Silk live to say stupid things.
Though at this point it should be expected, it’s always a gut punch when a police officer takes a life—on video—and…
An independent civilian board voted Thursday night to fire four Chicago police officers for their involvement in…
Seven months after protests shut down the Alabama mall where a police officer shot and killed EJ Bradford,…
According to a new report, police incidents involving the use of deadly force are on the decline in California.
Arizona law enforcement officials arrested a man who allegedly killed an innocent teenager in a brutal stabbing…
One Chicago family was needlessly put through the ordeal of having to make a life-or-death decision about a loved one…
California authorities have acknowledged that the 23-year-old father shot and killed by Los Angeles County deputies…
Last week, as Donald Trump curtsied before the Queen; as Congressional Democrats continued to cower from their…
With the 2018 midterms three months away, the Fresno, Calif., country clerk and register of voters received a rather…
Can we talk for a minute? And no, I’m not trying to know your name. I want to talk about mental health in the black…
Principal Temesghen Asmerom described it as a “technical difficulty” to the students, staff, and family members who…