Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein and Green Party vice presidential candidate Ajamu Baraka have both…
Updated Friday, Sept. 9, 2016, 5:30 p.m. EDT: In the wake of the brave and unrelenting actions of the Standing Rock…
President Barack Obama canceled a meeting with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte after Duterte called him a "son…
When he was a teenager, Gregory Lorjuste didn’t dream of working in the White House someday. “Politics wasn’t…
In about four minutes, MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell reminded liberal white America that it has the blood of…
The 2016 election cycle always promised to have more questions than answers. Would expectations be higher or lower…
On Tuesday, President Barack Obama granted commutations for an additional 111 federal inmates, bringing the total…
In coming months, we will be inundated with the endless highlights from our first black president’s historic two…
President Barack Obama is scheduled to travel to Baton Rouge, La., on Tuesday to get a firsthand look at the damage…
In a piece entitled, "Democratic Political Infighting Over Education Harms Black Families," which was published on Th…
In calling for a moratorium on all charter schools, the NAACP has declared, after years of discussion, that it’s…
Marc Lamont Hill—Morehouse College Distinguished Professor of African-American Studies, New York Times best-selling…
If you thought President Barack Obama bodied his swan song speech at the Democratic National Convention last month,…
Revered (and also hated) by many, President Barack Obama has had his fair share of GIF-able moments over the past…
President Barack Obama commuted the sentences of 214 federal prisoners Wednesday, granting the most commutations in…
The scant mention of Democrats’ official platform on K-12 education on the main stage at the Democratic National…
Although the Democratic National Convention was intended to be a celebration of Democrats, Democratic values, and…
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has reportedly secured the vote of President Barack Obama's half…
The speech that then-Sen. Barack Obama gave during the 2004 Democratic National Convention solidified him in the…