When I was a kid, my dad used to make a Kool-Aid concoction he’d call “Kool-Aid wine.” It was reserved for special…
Former President Barack Obama sat down with David Letterman for the debut episode of the talk show legend’s Netflix…
The man whose policies resulted in constitutional violations, discrimination and even death sidestepped these…
David Letterman has a six-episode series coming to Netflix, and his first guest will be our president for life—the…
It is difficult for me to type this because I know that the degree of stupidity inside the Trump family is as wide…
Despite late-2016 blather about the “forgotten white people,” those of us comfortable with reality have agreed about…
With everything—and everyone—we lost in this past year, there were some big wins. Black women showed up and showed…
Prince Harry isn’t letting the cat out of the bag when it comes to whether or not Barack and Michelle Obama will…
So we can talk about what Meghan Markle’s engagement to Prince Harry “means”—and what “means” even means in this…
The Root spent an hour speaking to Cornel West on Dec. 8 on a wide range of issues, including former President…
Did President Barack Obama let us down?
Our favorite gingy, Prince Harry (well, my favorite, after Jidenna, Malcolm X and Jade McKnight) of England, sat…
At an invitation-only event in Paris Saturday, former President Barack Obama urged attendees to consider “the…
In which we reflect on simpler times.
1. The name of the group: De-Von-Tré. This is such a great and appropriate ’90s R&B name that I’m shocked it was…
Former President Barack Obama caused quite the stir Wednesday when he did what every single regular citizen of the…
Because President Donald Trump built his political career on the racist “Birther” theory claiming that former U.S.…
As a gastroenterologist, I attended a medical conference during the summer. The conference adhered to the typical…
In the final press conference of his presidency, Barack Obama reiterated that he would largely keep mum once his…