A 63-year-old man from Missouri is finally in FBI custody after continuing a years-long tradition of threatening…
We can’t think of a better way to spend the first week of Women’s History Month—or “Black HerStory Month,” as it’s…
Vernon Jordan, an iconic civil rights leader, presidential adviser and lawyer who held leadership roles at the…
It isn’t that the first Black president didn’t believe or want to give Black folks their 40 acres and a mule; it’s…
In 2019, we first heard that Viola Davis would be portraying former (and forever) first lady Michelle Obama in an…
Donald Glover has yet to invite us back to Atlanta but it looks like he’s going to be navigating the Amazon soon—the…
It’s been 29 days since Joseph Robinette Biden became the 46th president of the United States, sending QAnon…
The value of mentorship can never be understated, as it imparts invaluable guidance, support, and expertise upon…
Senators-elect Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff are seen as manifestations of the New South, but it was Black…
Valentino Dixon has a lot to be grateful for these days.
2020 is almost over. Soon, we’ll be embarking on a new year. Now that’s change we can believe in.
Barack Obama Clarifies 'Snappy Slogans' Statement to Trevor Noah on The Daily Social Distancing Show
On Tuesday night, President Barack Obama returned to The Daily Show (also known as The Daily Social Distancing Show,…
This pandemic has been complete trash, but one of the greatest things to come out of it is how platforms like Zoom…
You know how you read something that’s too good to be true so you have to do a double (and triple) take?
When it comes to living American presidents, it’s indisputable (and infuriating, if you’re Donald Trump), that…
In a recent conversation with People magazine about his new memoir, A Promised Land (maybe you’ve heard of it?),…
While the current huffy head-of-state is constantly sitting on Twitter denying a fair election (or you know,…
Because he’s been pretty low-key about it, you might not be aware that a promising politician that we’ve been…
As we endure the last 65 days of an American presidency that has continually undermined the dignity of the office…