It was mid-August, and just weeks into her new job as acting president/CEO of the Planned Parenthood Federation of…
Iowa Rep. Steve King is the pus-filled boil on America’s ass. Assuming, of course, that the boil is so racist that…
Marshae Jones, the Alabama woman who was arrested and charged with manslaughter in the death of her fetus after she…
Law enforcement officials formally charged a woman with killing her unborn child after she was shot during an…
Alabama has made a move toward loosening rapists’ hold on parental rights in the state.
What is up with these Southern states when it comes to women’s rights? (And as a proud New Yorker with deep roots in…
Former Vice President Joe Biden is proving himself to be a fuckboi. At this point, I wouldn’t trust Obama’s BFF to…
Ever since Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signed into law a “heartbeat” bill that prohibits abortions as early as six…
Missouri’s only abortion clinic — The. Only. One. In. The. Entire. State. — has dodged the bullet and will remain…
As the country’s top producer of pecans, peanuts, and trap music, the state of Georgia is a bit of a paradox—case in…
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas slammed women who have abortions as heartless “eugenicists” in a 20-page…
Last week, Gov. Mike Parson—in his efforts to position Missouri as “one of the strongest pro-life states in the…
California Sen. Kamala Harris will announce her presidential policy proposal to stop states from passing…
Down goes Frazier—at least, for now, when it comes to Mississippi’s new so-called heartbeat law, which bans…
Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union on Friday filed a federal lawsuit seeking to overturn…
Since passing its anti-abortion law—a law so reprehensible that cities like Los Angeles have subsequently banned…
Days after eight white women and 43 white men yelled “Roll Tide!” before voting to pass the nation’s harshest…
Acclaimed actress Keke Palmer shared her personal experience with abortion in response to the #YouKnowMe thread…
If you needed your weekly reminder that political party affiliation and morality are rarely intertwined, here’s your…
If Trumpism has been good for one thing, it’s that it has allowed Republicans the comfort level to show the nation…