Spiritual people like Erykah Badu have been warning us that one shouldn’t mistake their peaceful, enlightened demeanor for weakness.
T.D. Jakes pulled a page out of that book recently. He posted an innocuous photo of himself on Instagram after he attended a church service in Hollywood, Calif. He was wearing a blazer and jeans that had a fashionable tear in them at the knee.
Some users found it inappropriate that a pastor had worn jeans to a church service and slammed Jakes for it.
One person in particular wrote that Jakes "was too old for jeans with rips and tears" and that Jakes ought to be "setting an example for [his] flock." That person got a response from Jakes. Here’s a screenshot of Jakes’ reply, described below.
“Scripture please?” Jakes asked rhetorically, prompting the user to go sifting through the Gospels to find where God forbid pastors from wearing jeans to church.
“I certainly want to comply with the word,” Jakes continued. “I just missed the one about jeans in the pulpit.”
Bloop. Just a dash of sarcasm—nothing too saucy—to put a self-righteous person in his or her place.
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Diana Ozemebhoya Eromosele is a staff writer at The Root and the founder and executive producer of Lectures to Beats, a Web series that features video interviews with scarily insightful people. Follow Lectures to Beats on Facebook and Twitter.
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