During his acceptance speech at the Golden Globes Sunday night, Sylvester Stallone, who won the award for best supporting actor for his performance in Creed, forgot to thank the two people who inarguably resuscitated his Rocky franchise for a new generation: Creed's director, Ryan Coogler, and lead actor, Michael B. Jordan.
"I'm going to try not to get emotional," Stallone began his speech, which is probably an indication that he was completely flabbergasted that he had won. Hey, he's pretty long in the tooth as award-winning Hollywood actors go; he even acknowledged that he hadn't been to the Golden Globes since 1977. His facial expression when they called his name is proof enough that he was in complete shock.
Even still, he thanked the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, his family, the studio that put out Creed, the movie's producers, his agent and even his "imaginary friend Rocky Balboa for being the best friend [he] ever had."
But no mention of Jordan or Coogler, to whom the cameras kept cutting during Stallone's speech—probably in anticipation that Stallone would say his name any second.
Stallone didn't; he left the stage. But according to folks who were tweeting from the ceremony, Stallone ran back onstage and thanked Coogler, Jordan and the film's lead actress, Tessa Thompson.
But too late; people expressed their dismay that Coogler and Jordan weren't at the top of Stallone's list.
If Stallone goes on to win more awards for Creed, I bet he'll never make that omission again.
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Diana Ozemebhoya Eromosele is a staff writer at The Root and the founder and executive producer of Lectures to Beats, a Web series that features video interviews with scarily insightful people. Follow Lectures to Beats on Facebook and Twitter.