You get a college education, and you get a college education, and you get a college education!
Okay, Oprah didn’t say that when she appeared at the United Negro College Fund’s Maya Angelou Women Who Lead Luncheon in Charlotte, N.C. last Saturday—at least, not to the best of our knowledge. But she did say, “We do want to make this the world record-breaking event,” reports the Charlotte Observer. Then, the media mogul announced she’d be matching the over $1 million raised that afternoon for UNCF, delighting the 1,120 assembled guests, and no doubt, the HBCUs and North Carolina students that benefit from UNCF.
As reported by The Hill:
As the video screen in the conference room showed that $1.15 million had already been raised, Winfrey said she would match that figure, prompting those in attendance to erupt in cheers.
“So here’s what I’m going to do, I’m going to match that number!” Winfrey said to applause, according to video shared by UNCF.
Oprah’s latest act of philanthropy officially doubled UNCF’s $1 million goal for the event. It also followed the multi-million dollar donation from billionaire investor Robert F. Smith that eradicated the debt of Morehouse’s 2019 graduating class, making this a great year to be an HBCU student—or at the very least, a great year to be an HBCU student in North Carolina or graduating from Morehouse.
“I believe in the power of education,” Winfrey, who told the audience during her speech, reports the Observer. “There is nothing better than to open the door for someone.”