In a piece at, Mark C. Alexander, a professor at Seton Hall University School of Law, writes that by gutting the Voting Rights Act, the Supreme Court has spun a mythical America that is not representative of the world in which we live. He says "their foray into fantasy does damage that may not be undone."
The justices who wrote this misguided opinion act as though we live in a pure-minded, “post-racial” America, but they are delusional. In their world, we all are race-blind. That is simply naïve. These five men — supposedly brilliant legal minds with top pedigrees — appear not to see reality; or perhaps more cynically, they do see it, but just don’t care …
I am an indefatigable optimist, and I see the way in which our nation makes progress all the time. As a black child growing up in Washington, D.C., in the Sixties and Seventies, I lived in a world that was finding a new way in the years right after the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act — a new era growing from the civil rights movement. It was a world far better than the segregated America that my parents had grown up in. My generation was better off than the previous one.
Today, my children are growing up in a multi-racial family and community in North Jersey, and they experience a more tolerant world than those of my generation. Still, attitudes and racist tendencies exist. The Supreme Court must live in reality …
Read Mark C. Alexander's entire piece at
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