Supreme Court to Revisit Affirmative Action

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Supreme Court to revisit affirmative action: The court announced today that it has agreed to hear a challenge to the University of Texas' affirmative action program, which is used in sorting through applications after the automatic admission of all in-state applicants who graduated in the top 10 percent of their high school class.

Obama: most "explicitly Christian" president? That's how Messiah College professor John Fea describes him.  Meanwhile, evangelist Franklin Graham still isn't 100 percent sure about President Obama's faith, telling MSNBC that he "assumes" he is a Christian. 

How to talk to kids about race: Jaime-Jin Lewis, executive director of Border Crossers, an education-equity nonprofit in Manhattan, gave some tips to ColorLines. 


Suspect arrested in Breyer robbery: Local police on Monday charged Vedel Browne, 28 years old, with the robbery at the justice's home on the island of Nevis, police spokesman Sgt. Cledwyn Jefers said.

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