Attacks on LGBTQ adoptions feel like they’ve been steadily increasing. It seems like things will come to a head during the Supreme Court’s next term.
CBS News reports that the Supreme Court will hear a case between the city of Philadelphia and a Catholic foster care agency. The foster care agency filed suit after the city removed them from the foster care system due to its refusal to allow same-sex couples to be foster parents. The church believes that this is a violation of its first amendment rights. The city argues that it’s not attacking the church’s religious values “but the city is lawfully permitted to include nondiscrimination requirements in its city-funded contracts for city services, and it did so here for legitimate secular reasons.”
The city brings up a good point. As a government institution, it can’t condone discriminatory practices. While yes, the church is hiding behind the defense of religion to justify it’s discrimination, at the end of the day it’s still refusing to provide service to people due to their sexual orientations. The city also brought up the point that the church has no legal obligation to take of these children, that obligation falls on to the state.
This seems like a pretty simple case here, separation of church and state and all that. I would like to think that and yet, the current court is blatantly partisan. If they have an opportunity to give the LGBTQ community the middle finger, I wouldn’t be surprised if they take it.