In a piece for the Huffington Post, the Rev. Al Sharpton applauds the high court's recent ruling striking down Arizona's attempt at voter suppression, known as Prop 200. It's a victory for voting equality and justice — and a blow against racial profiling.
Voting is a right, not a privilege. Apparently some folks need a reminder every now and then. When the Voting Rights Act of 1965 became law, it solidified every American citizen's right to vote and participate in the electoral process. There were some that came up with creative schemes to block the votes of minorities, and today, we're seeing new tactics of the same old dirty tricks. As the population continues to diversify and the literal face of the nation changes, we see these renewed attempts at voter suppression such as Arizona's Prop 200. Requiring people to show proof of citizenship in addition to regular forms of voting identification, Arizona's Prop 200 was nothing more than an added burden to hinder individuals from voting. And on Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court delivered strong support for voter equality when it struck down Arizona's draconian law in a 7-2 ruling …
One of the greatest honors we as Americans have is being to voice our opinions and our concerns in an open society. And one of the fundamental ways in which we do that is by electing those who we believe best represent our interests and hopes for the future. An attack on those rights is an attack on the very way in which we define ourselves. Let us praise Monday's Supreme Court ruling because nobody should be denied the right to vote, or face additional hurdles because of a strategic method to disenfranchise them. Just as no one should be racially profiled, no one should be racially blocked from the voting booth.
Read the Rev. Al Sharpton's entire piece at the Huffington Post.
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