Like many Americans, comedian John Oliver is tired of corruption and double standards on the Supreme Court. Justice Clarence Thomas—who has been accused of bribery and corruption several times throughout his lengthy tenure—has infamously been asked to step down or recuse himself from certain cases.
Most recently, folks demanded that Thomas recuse himself from the Colorado ballot case which would decide if Trump can appear on 2024 primary election ballots nationwide.
Thomas ultimately decided not to do so, even though his wife Ginni Thomas was involved in attempts to keep Trump in office back in 2020. Oliver has had enough and said he’d pay Thomas millions to leave the Supreme Court for good.
“If we’re going to keep the bar of accountability this low, perhaps it’s time to exploit that low bar the same way billionaires have successfully done for decades,” he quipped on Sunday’s show. Oliver followed up by saying he’d pay Thomas $1 million annually if he resigned immediately.
He added that he’ll even include a brand new $2.4 million motor coach that has a king-size bed, a fireplace and four televisions.
“In their confirmation hearings, they pretend to have no idea how they’ll rule on hot-button issues, and we all have to pretend to believe them before we appoint them to a job that they can hold until they die,” Oliver stated in the segment.
Recounting that Thomas has received lavish trips from his rich friends and supporters, Oliver explained, “We don’t treat them like what they are, which is people who can be motivated by ideology and greed like anybody else.”
Oliver also said that Thomas is “arguably the most consequential justice on the court right now and he’s never really seemed to like the job.”
Although Thomas probably won’t take this bribe, you can’t blame Oliver for trying.