Super Tuesday 2012 Results: The Latest

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Wednesday, March 7, 7:00 AM, E.T. - Mitt Romney has been declared the winner of the Alaska caucuses, according to CNN, bringing his tally of Super Tuesday wins to six. Rick Santorum won three contests and Newt Gingrich came out on top in his home state of Georgia. 

Wednesday, March 7, 12:35 AM, E.T. - Mitt Romney is projected to win the night's big prize: Ohio, according to CNN. Winning this large state, in which 63 delegates are in play, helps to solidify his frontrunner status in the race for the GOP presidential nomination. He nudges out Rick Santorum — barely — for the win.

Alaska's results have not been called yet.

Tuesday, March 6, 11:49 PM, E.T. - Mitt Romney puts away another projected win, this time in the Idaho Republican caucuses, according to CNN. The Ohio primary is still too close to call.


Tuesday, March 6, 10:05 PM, E.T. - CNN is reporting that Rick Santorum will win the North Dakota caucuses, with 28 delegates in play.


With 63 delegates at stake, the Republican primary in Ohio is still too close to call. Romney and Santorum are running neck and neck there.


Tuesday, March 6, 9:03 PM, E.T. - Rick Santorum has won the GOP primary in Oklahoma, according to CNN projections.

Tuesday, March 6, 8:40 PM, E.T.. - Rick Santorum will win the Tennessee Republican primary, CNN is projecting.


Tuesday, March 6, 8:00 PM, E.T.. - Mitt Romney will win the GOP primary in his home state of Massachusetts, CNN is projecting. Romney is the former governor of that state.

Tuesday, March 6, 7:40 PM, E.T.- Mitt Romney will win Vermont's Republican primary, CNN is projecting.


Tuesday, March 6, 7:25 PM, E.T. - Newt Gingrich has won the Republican primary in his home state of Georgia, according to projections by CNN based on exit polls and partial results.

The network is also projecting Mitt Romney to be the winner of Virginia's Republican primary. Only Romney and Rep. Ron Paul qualified for the ballot in that state, assuring Romney's victory. The win will likely garner him all 46 of the state's delegates. In all, 419 delegates are in play on Super Tuesday, with Romney entering the day in the lead.


Check this page for more Super Tuesday primary results, as they come in.

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