A Buzz world premiere: The Buzzku. It's like a haiku, but topical.
Waterboarding's bad
Pulitzer's good for the Post
Earth Day Makes Black Green
USAT: +10: Columbine Survivors Remember Madness a Decade Later
NYT: Prisoner Waterboarded 183 Times; CIA: "If at First You Don't Succeed…"
HP: Some Give Prez a FAIL Over CIA Treatment; In Other News, GOP Suddenly Loves Obama
CNN: CBC Mad at Prez Over Conference, Not Asking Their Permission for Stuff in General
AJE: Pirates Seize Belgian Ship, Raise Cain When It Is Not Full of Waffles
BBC: Report: UK 'to Grow in 2010'; Lex Luthor:"Is That So?"
DB: Ali: Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Race Baiter
AP: Sunday Morning Talk Shows Showcasing More Blacks; White House Doing Same
ABC: And Then the Locusts Came: Some in GOP Look for Gay Marriage Support
LAT: SAG OKs New Contracts; Actors Free to Re-Make Old Movies, TV Shows
FOX: Boston Med Student Arrested in 'Craigslist Killer' Case
AJE: Tamil Tigers Have 24 Hours to Live; May Eat Fried Chicken, Drink a Nantucket
Reuters: Obama Shakes Hands with Chavez; America Finds Strength to Carry On
LAT: Obama Asks CIA to Chart New Course, Maybe Relax with the Water
WP: Race Books Lead Arts Pulitzers; Being Black Totally Awesome (for the Most Part)!
ABP: Historic Baptist Church the Focus of Sex Abuse Scandal
UPI: Insurance Can Reduce Health Disparities. Yes; Someone Was Paid to Tell You That
DB: Never Take Sides Against the Family: Inside the Obamas PR Machine
Next: Is Black Still Beautiful? Buzz Consults Mirror, Answers in Affirmative
BET: Well-Known Reparations Activist Dies
NYDN: 'Craigslist Killer' Suspect Has Living Fiancee Who Defends Him*
NYT: Pirate Arrives in NY All Smiles; Says, "Hey, Anything's an Upgrade"
Reuters: Tim-Tim: Hard to Set Toxic Asset Prices; Wonders if 'Toxic' Isn't Great Selling Point
BBC: 'We Just Didn't See That Coming': UN 'Regrets' Ahmadinejad's Speech
The Job: Everyone's Leaving NYC, Jana Sikdar Not Invited
VOA: Cheney Wants More CIA Memos Released, Would Enjoy a Bit of Light Reading
BG: Obama Stresses Service for Good of Nation; Taxpayers: "We Just Did."
LAT: 1st Black Presidents Meet i.e. 44 and the Fake One Who Put Lots of Us in Jail
AP: Black Farmers Trying to Get a Nut; Obama Acting Stingy, Brand New
*She's committed. Besides, those engraved invitations already went out so…
TR: The Root: Proof Positive Blacks Besides Majora Carter and Van Jones Care about Earth*
SPI: Company to Power Office with Bikes; If Productive, Expect Doping Accusations
WGBH: African-Americans and the Environment: A Panel Discussion
NYT: Green Begets Green: Making Money Will Green the Planet
LAT: Totally Biting the DeLorean's Steez, Engineer Tries to Make Fuel from Trash
CT: Obama Pushes Ambitious Climate Agenda; In Earth Day Miracle, Turns Wine Into Water
ENS: Rocket Fuel? What Rocket Fuel? NASA, Others Plant Trees for Earth Day
HP: Support Non-Profits on Earth Day! (Don't Have to Be Black, But That'd Be Nice)
*Just kidding (for the most part)!
CNN: Bombings Kill More Than 70 in Iraq
WP: Obama to Host Credit Card CEO, Lay Smack Down
BB: US to BofA: 'You Will Take This Merrill Or We Will Have a Problem'
VOA: Supreme Court to Hears Reverse Discrimination Case Against CT Fire Dept.
BET: Don't Pass the Collection Plate! Pastor's $600K Salary Causes Beef in the Tabernacle
CNN: Obama Waffled on Torture (But Totally Bucked Those Pirates)
USAT: COBRA benefit has some holes; Why People Trust Health Plan Titled 'COBRA' Unknown
ESPN: 10 Small-School NFL Draft Gems
HP: Still Very Real in the Field: 60 Dead Today in Iraq
GDN: US Will Set Up Facebook Page, Tag Themselves in Prison Abuse Photos
AJE: According to UN, Nearly 6,500 Killed in Sri Lankan Civil in Three Months
WP: Ford Burns Less Cash, Only Posts $1.4B Loss (Take That, Recession!)
AP: Myrtle Beach Wildfires Worst in 30 Years; College Seniors Fear for Drunken Reverie
Politico: Obama First 'Hip' President; All Others Were Squares, Daddy-o
NYDN: Black, Latino Males More Likely to be Placed in Special-Ed Classes
BET: How Bad is Job Market for '09 Grads? Pretty
ESPN: Boozer Leads Jazz to Win (Where Was This Fight During that Indiana Final Four Game?)
DB: Stanley Crouch Thinks 'Tyson' Documentary Is the Jump-Off; Buzz Inclined to Agree
BS: BET to Launch New Network Targeting Older Audience, Acknowledges BET Is Lost Cause
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