After much speculation, Summer Walker has confirmed that she is pregnant with her second child, with boyfriend also known as LVRD Pharoh. On Saturday, the 26 year old songstress posted a few beautiful “thirst traps,” (as the images were referred to by some) to her Instagram wearing a belly baring swimsuit made entirely of cowrie shells. While fans showered the singer with compliments on the photos and the ensemble, comments were immediately made in question of whether or not she was “in the family way.”
Later in the day, Erykah Badu, aka the most famous Doula you know, reposted one of the images from Walker’s most recent shoot to her stories, captioning it with: “& for my next act.” If you recall, Badu served as the doula during Walker’s first pregnancy. And once that post began making the rounds, the public had reached peak curiosity.
“Tell us she pregnant without telling us she pregnant,” one commenter wrote under in a screenshot of Badu’s story posted to the Shade Room feed.
Not long after the images started circulating, we got the news confirmed from the mama-of-two to be herself in a live video.
“People asking me if I’m pregnant,” she began before pausing. “I am. And you know, I’m very, very, very happy about it.”
“It’s just, you know, really peaceful, really happy,” she continued. “Lots of help, lots of love, and the only reason I’m even saying anything is because, you know, last time… I felt very disrespected that people didn’t let me tell that myself,” she added.
The “No Love” singer gave birth to her daughter Bubbles in March, 2021. There were many pregnancy rumors flying around at that time as well, including pictures posted of Walker out and about without her consent. She has previously expressed how she felt forced to share the news earlier than she was ready to.
One year old Bubbles is the product of a former relationship shared between Walker and producer London On Da Track. The partnership ended with bitter online feuds, and shared exchanges between the singer and producer, as well as the mothers of London’s other children. The toxic situation was also laid out over several tracks on Walker’s latest album, “Still Over It,” which was also produced by London.
While many have been critical of Walker’s new beau, (and the tattoo of his name she got on her face) the singer seems to be all smiles when it comes to her romance, and most especially, the new life that it’s brought forth. Congratulations, Summer!