Rep. Paul Mitchell, (R-Mich.) has had enough. And by enough, I mean that babies in cages didn’t bother him nor did a wall to separate Mexico from America. Mitchell wasn’t bothered by the president’s unwillingness to show his taxes or his use of public office to bash dissenters. Mitchell was apparently fine with the president’s racism, xenophobia and horrible diet. The straw that reportedly broke Rep. Paul Mitchell’s back was the president’s attempts to steal the election. That, it turns out, was a bloody Selma bridge too far for Mitchell, who has left the Republican Party to become an independent, because attention.
Stunt queen alert.
According to NBC News, the breaking point for Mitchell was “the amicus brief signed by over 100 Republican House members in support of the unsuccessful Texas-led bid to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s win at the Supreme Court, which made unsupported claims of widespread voter fraud and argued that voting procedures in four battleground states violated their own state laws.”
“As I saw that amicus brief as well as the discussions over the weekend in the national media, it became clear to me that I could no longer be associated with the Republican Party, that leadership does not stand up and say the process, the election, is over,” he said. “It’s over today.”
Mitchell added, “And then I saw the president tweet out that it’s not over until January 20th and somehow, he is going to continue to combat this.”
That was when Mitchell got up off of his fainting couch and decided that he was going to do something about it! So he sent a letter to “Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., on Monday informing them of his decision.”
Also, no one outside of Michigan knew who the hell he was before he did this. See, I’m totally questioning the authenticity of this move if that’s not been obvious. You’re telling me that as an elected official, you watched the way that the president mishandled the coronavirus pandemic that has led to some 300,000 people dead and that didn’t force you to move on from this party that Trump built?
Nope, it was the open thievery of the election that finally made Mitchell say, “Enough.”
Yeah, well, I hear something.
Stunt queen alert
Very few Republicans have stood up to openly criticize Trump because they are punks who are afraid that going against Trump could lead to a derogatory nickname on Twitter and an inability to retain their office, come election time. Trump has made it his mission, while in office, to attack all of those who go against him.
And if I’ve not made it clear that I believe Mitchell’s defection from the GOP is all a stunt, maybe it helps to know that Mitchell waited until his retirement to say something. Mitchell is “retiring at the end of this session of Congress,” and added that “he voted for Trump and supported the administration the vast majority of the time.”
“But this party has to stand up for democracy first, for our Constitution first, and not political considerations, not to protect a candidate, not simply for raw political power,” he said. “And that is what I feel is going on, and I’ve had enough.”
What’s that? I thought a stunt queen said something: