Students Wear KKK Outfits to Hockey Game

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Fresh from our WTH files: a report out of North Dakota that three students were photographed wearing Ku Klux Klan-style robes and hoods at a state semifinal hockey game.

The students, who attend Red River High School in Grand Forks, were seated in the stands on Friday night to watch their school play against Davies High School in Fargo, ABC News reports. They were spotted in the offensive gear after the first goal and wore it for about 30 seconds to a minute, reports show.

While Red River's principal, Kristopher Arason, in a statement condemned the behavior as unrepresentative of the school or student body, he has declined to discuss what disciplinary action has been taken against the students.


Is he kidding? He should have announced their immediate suspensions and their mandatory attendance at racial-sensitivity training. Someone needs to teach these students the difference between what's funny and what isn't.

Read more at ABC News.