The Students at an Oregon high school had enough.
According to NBC News, hundreds of students at Tigard High School walked out of their classrooms a week ago to protest a Tiktok video made by a white female classmate. In the video, a white student ticks off racial slurs for Black, Muslim, Asian and Latino people while another student who filmed the video encourages her to continue.
From NBC News:
“I didn’t believe it, I was like, ‘No way,’” said Sean Sorko-Ram, 17, a senior at Tigard who is Black. “You hear someone say the N-word, you hear things here and there, but all of them together in one video. … The best word I can use is flabbergasted.”
Sorko-Ram said she immediately recognized the girl in the video — they had passed each other in the school’s front office before. While hearing those words come out of her mouth was a shock to the system, she said it was hard to be surprised.
“I’m desensitized,” Sorko-Ram said. “I literally listened and I’m like, ‘There’s another one.’”
...Racism in the hallways of Tigard High isn’t uncommon, said Sorko-Ram, who has been called the N-word in class.
“I was a freshman and I was in English class,” she said. “There was this boy who sat next to me and thought it would be funny to call me an ‘ape n——-,’ hard ‘r’. In that moment you just kind of sit there and you’re like, ‘What?’”
Friends have been followed home and called slurs in passing, Sorko-Ram said, and many are too afraid to come forward.
Officials of the high school and district have not commented on whether the female student is still at the school but claim consequences are going to be explored. But even though hate speech was used, expulsion is usually not one of the consequences handed out in situations like this one, per NBC News.
Odd. There is obvious evidence that she used racial slurs. So, why should she be allowed back in school? Do consequences only apply when you’re in school?
According to the report from NBC News, the district is still “investigating” the incident and has established “listening sessions” for youngsters to come forward. Students involved in the Black Student Union are taking the opportunity to discuss how this is all going to play out.
Are school official even listening to the students who are dealing with racism on a daily basis. And just think of the message you’re sending to your students if you allow a girl who rails off a bunch of racist slurs on TikTok to return to school? Not a good one.