So if the last couple years or so have made something apparent, it’s that white people love calling the police over bullshit. I think it’s up there with reruns of The Office and putting marshmallows in dishes that clearly don’t need it as their top three favorite things. Seriously though, fruit salad is perfectly fine as is, why do they do that? I’m sorry, I’m getting off-topic.
According to NBC News, Professor Shaheen Borna at Ball State University in Indiana called the cops on Sultan Benson, one of his students. Benson’s crime? Refusing to switch seats midway through class. Benson told NBC in a series of messages that when he arrived to class the seat he typically sits in was taken by another student so the professor told him to sit in the back of class, which he did. Midway through the lecture, a student left class. “Once she was gone he continued the lesson and about 5 minutes later he asked me to move to her seat in the front row,” said Benson. Benson asked why, and the professor wouldn’t give him an answer and eventually told him that either he would have to move or he would call the police. Judging by the headline of this article, I’m sure you know what happened next. Below is a video of the incident.
As you can see, Benson decided to leave class as opposed to being harassed by the police and his professor. Borna issued a written apology to his students and the school has issued a statement:
“In this particular situation, in addition to talking with those involved and putting educational and preventative measures in place, the faculty member also sent his own apology to the students in the class,” according to a school statement. “As an institution, we will use this situation to learn and to improve.”
No suspension, disciplinary action or even just a clear statement condemning Borna’s actions. The statement boils down to “Eh, shit happens. Better luck next time.” Also, shouldn’t the cops be mad at Borna for wasting their time? I would have several questions for a man so pressed about a student simply going, “Nah, I’m straight.”
Looks like we’re going to have to add “sitting” to the list of things white people will call the cops on black people over.