Stop Talking About Celebs' Kids

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In a piece for Essence, The Root's contributing editor Demetria L. Lucas scolds anyone who would dare criticize Hollywood's youngest, most vulnerable stars.

Ladies, we need a new rule: No greasy talking about celebrity children. That means the children of celebrities and the children who are celebrities …

"It's disgusting that some focus on looks," [Tia] Mowry wrote on her Wall. "I brought a beautiful child into this world."

Yes, she did. Period. End of story. He's a baby, which means he's off limits. I know celebs willingly step into the spotlight, and unfortunately personal attacks against them have become par for the course. But their kids don't ask for that criticism. That means vicious talk about celeb spawn like Beyoncé and Jay-Z's baby Blue, who was the subject of vile commentary when her 6-month-old face was recently revealed, is a no go. That goes for Russell Simmons and Kimora Lee Simmons-Hounsou's precocious offspring, Ming Lee and Aoki, and Christina Milan and The Dream's cutie-patootie Violet. I've read horrid and completely inappropriate comments about all of the above-mentioned children, judging their facial features, weight and/or hair texture. And there's no way around it: It's just wrong, wrong, wrong.

The same rule should apply even for the kids whose parents have allowed them to step forward, like Willow Smith …

Read Demetria L. Lucas' entire piece at

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