It has been a week since Bill O'Reilly goes in on Common for visiting Assata Shakur, the step-aunt of Tupac Shakur who escaped prison in 1979 after being convicted of killing a N.J. state trooper, and escaped to Cuba where she's been living under political asylum ever since.
He also slams Common for "celebrating" Mumia Abu Jamal, the former journalist and activist who has been on death row since 1981 for the killing of a Philadelphia police officer. When someone is invited to the White House, said O'Reilly, "They have to select people
who are almost unimpeachable, because they are getting that honor to go to the White House."
Stewart countered that Common isn't the only musician invited to the White House who has voiced support for people convicted of murdering law enforcement officials and others.
"Why are you drawing the line at Common? There is a selective outrage machine here at Fox that 'pettifogs' only when it suits the narrative
thats suits them," said Stewart. "This guy here in is in the crosshairs in a way that he shouldn't be. Whether you agree wtih him or not over — you may think he's ignorant in
believing that Assata Shakur is innocent. You may think he's ignorant in believing that Mumia (Abu Jamal) is, but then guess what? Bono can't go to the White House,
Springsteen can't go to the White House, Bob Dylan can't go to the White House, you've got a lot of people that aren't allowed to sit in the White House
because they've written songs about people convicted of murder."
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