Stepping Up: Vince Young Takes McNair Boys to School's Dads' Breakfast

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Vince Young may not be the Titans' starting quarterback, but, for one day, he was a star in the life of Steve McNair's sons. From ESPN:

Young surprised 11-year-old Trenton and 5-year-old Tyler on Wednesday by showing up at their house and taking them to their school's "Dear Dads Breakfast" at a local restaurant.

"Those are my boys," Young told the Tennessean. "I wouldn't say it was to pay anyone back; it was just out of love. Steve would do it for me. He pretty much did it for me when I was growing up. I have a history with the boys and I want to do anything I can. I am their big brother."

Julie Dilworth, admissions director at St. Paul Christian Academy, lauded Young's actions.

"It was a great, great gesture," Dilworth told the Tennessean. "All the kids had been talking about the dads' breakfast and [Trenton and Tyler] were wondering what was going to happen with them.

"They were thrilled … the boys came to school with huge smiles on their faces."

Young had a close relationship with Steve McNair, even before the latter was drafted by the Titans four years ago. He attended McNair's football camps when he was young. McNair was shot and killed July 4.

Besides being there for McNair's sons, Young gave other kids at the school jerseys and autographs.

Well done, Mr. Young. Well done.
