Leave it to a group of African-American journalists to ask former GOP Chairman Michael Steele the hard question.
During a panel discussion the other day about the upcoming elections in 2012 at the National Association of Black Journalists Convention in Philadelphia, he was asked about his unflagging membership in the Republican Party after his unceremonious ouster as GOP chairman, according to the Philadelphia Tribune.
"My job was to stir the pot from within; to be a reflection of America to them; to be a reflection of unity to them," Steele said. "You're going to have to deal with me now that I run the entire show as national chair. Defeats, yeah. Pushbacks, maybe. No matter if it's me, Herman Cain or whoever it may be, you are going to have to look black America in the eye at some point and deal with us. Otherwise, remember the Whig Party? Well, there you go. That is the reality right now that this party faces. I'm just a moment in time; there are a hell of a lot more moments to come."
There you have it. He was stirring the pot.
Cornel West, Kasim Reed and Sophia Nelson joined Steele, a contributing editor to The Root, on the panel, which was moderated by Roland Martin. The Rev. Al Sharpton was a no-show.
Read more at the Philadelphia Tribune.
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