Brock Turner, the former Stanford student who received a slap on the wrist after being convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman, is scheduled to be released from jail Friday, after serving only half of his meager six-month sentence, Business Insider reports.
As the report notes, Turner was sentenced to six months in jail in June after being found guilty of three counts of sexual assault after raping an unconscious woman back in January 2015. His early-September release, according to the report, is a result of good behavior.
The judge in Turner's case, which has been cited as an example of white privilege, has faced harsh criticism following the "slap on the wrist" sentence even after the conviction in a very serious crime.
As Business Insider notes, more than 1 million people signed petitions demanding that Judge Aaron Persky be removed from his position. In August he announced that he would no longer hear criminal cases.
Read more at Business Insider.